YourSavings 发表于 2010-10-1 14:03

友邻国巴基斯坦水灾人道支援-On behalf of HCCI

本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-10-1 21:50 编辑

Pakistan is one of the most friendly counties, we neiboured for long time

冬季防寒衣物 男女儿童婴儿各类衣物毛毯被子等冬季募捐
( 截至 十月十五日 )

人道支援防寒衣物捐送 Hamilton 地区联系人及地点 $$ Cash Donation Welcome for Overseas Transportation $$ Above $25 Dollars will be receipted for Tax return!
Places and Contacts for donating delivery and pick-up Please contatct followings:

Christine (Zahra) 905 388 2607Make a phone call

Abd ur Rahim /Tariq or Babar
905 296 1248 / 905 902 6132 Make a phone call

Saima Amjad
905 527 6056 Make a phone call

Father Javier Arias 905 865 9629/ 76 Macauley Street East
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and
Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm

Nasir Sarwar
905 573 1320
60 Davinci Blvd (Rymal and Upper Paradise)

组织发起者联系方法 / 详情咨询Nasir Sarwar
Manager Programs & Outreach
Hamilton's Centre For Civic Inclusion 2511 Barton Street East
Hamilton, ON L8E 2X1
Tel: (905) 667 3088
E.Mail:; Web:

Burlington Contact:
Lei, J Zhang ( Deliver to or Pick up )
Cell 905 802 5896 Fax 905 333 8359
456 Brock Ave. Burlington, L7S 1M9

brian 发表于 2010-10-1 18:47


YourSavings 发表于 2010-10-1 21:43

本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-10-1 21:44 编辑

Thanks for your support, if readers are willing to give support
to our neighbouring country, may contact directly with the orgernizer!
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