YourSavings 发表于 2010-3-20 23:27

安省大专汉语辩论大赛 同学&评委誌念!

本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-3-28 10:21 编辑


-原序 , by 原版远方

-He wrote the original one in Chinese. E version, done without delay after read his text. Above lines made me feel it's a song devoted to some Chinese Doctors and scientists whose work contributed to the life science of mankind, from this side of the ocean.

原版远方, -He writes authentically, only when he sees something emotional, and touching his heart. I did once, when the quake hit the Wen-chuan China 2008, really hard to look at the lines as there were tears in the eyes...

"A bridge built, called miracle"

走遍天涯 追寻梦想
展开翅膀 勇敢地飞翔

Sun shines from south to north, we dream a dream,
in darkest nights, stars like Angle's eyes, blinks bravo,
shines the hope, in every pause, and every cells
shines, forever, A pretty girl in spring,morning, brings a miracle,

走过曲折 志在四方
肩负使命 为人类健康
Old countries and cities new, left behind, wills like steel,
Our hearts beat young, never old,
On our shoulders, the spring morning dew,
Like waves cares the land, Oh, spring girl
Angle's lips warm, sweet, never cold
She sings a song, that make you strong, when u weakened, and poor,

Across East and West, A bridge, we built, called miracle,
We walk in schools, we talk to fruits in the garden full,
We try and discover, the Gold, in a century well,
search, from deep heart to an inner soul,
Hand in hand, time grow old, we go, Oh,
we produce miracle, A new birth, of a brilliant tomorrow
Photo, by 四川 爱思网 石川先生,Authorized by, zhou


安大略省 大专院校 汉语辩论大赛 的同学们和评委老师誌念!

Yesterday, I read one text message from one of the Cyber-freinds who wrote
many songs and poems in ChinaGate, 中国文学城, 北美较大华语网,his name is: 原版远方, I did once his song, during the 中国汶川震灾!

今天的论题,使我想起了他!他邀我试译,一首汉语歌词。受你们论辩的激情和活力的激励,我一气呵成,成了一首 【译写】-汉诗英韵. "A bridge, built, called miracle" 赠给我在本次活动中, 遇见的所有同学和评委老师们,


Read original,


March 19, 2010

YourSavings 发表于 2010-3-22 15:55

谢谢 欣赏. Thank you for the comments!

qingmui 发表于 2010-3-29 16:09

good, but why people doesnt comment?

YourSavings 发表于 2010-3-29 17:00

Maybe they don't really like it!

本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-3-29 20:18 编辑

I don't know, maybe people are shy? Maybe people don't really enjoy it!
Never mind!
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