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安省大专汉语辩论大赛 同学&评委誌念!

发表于 2010-3-20 23:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-3-28 10:21 编辑
0 i0 S: }# A0 M9 U& H/ s3 F% e' P
' B7 N5 d- v) i) Q) K' A0 E原版远方《留学恋歌》原创系列-译写' X5 z$ @6 w0 ~

周末译趣% Q- r3 \% J  s7 K* p

5 Q- t4 Q7 W  \  Q6 [* `1 @【序】-应邀为一国际华人某医学协会写一首会歌。写给为人类生命医学做贡献的华人医生及医学科学家们。% g+ @9 g0 h1 T) M
-原序 , by 原版远方3 p6 f' V/ x2 a. ~( \2 d

# u) Y4 v3 D9 j5 _3 o  j& B, L4 D/ a4 u4 O+ G5 q8 E$ z" n
, e8 G" ~- ?8 W-He wrote the original one in Chinese. E version, done without delay after read his text. Above lines made me feel it's a song devoted to some Chinese Doctors and scientists whose work contributed to the life science of mankind, from this side of the ocean. + g9 K4 U2 j# T: D* u+ N
$ x4 N7 Q. H& A; o6 Z
原版远方, -He writes authentically, only when he sees something emotional, and touching his heart. I did once, when the quake hit the Wen-chuan China 2008, really hard to look at the lines as there were tears in the eyes...
7 D9 ~: l  M; u$ ?0 o# I' W2 o# Z% O

- ]; Y5 P) `- {* p; m% }

"A bridge built, called miracle"
7 H3 ?' K0 w: P  z1 ?

# _2 i5 z2 {  v7 x
. W, D$ Z8 N3 A8 S0 Y& y; T2 I" J8 u. ?) G3 J

走遍天涯 追寻梦想
; u0 s' p0 t& ^8 o! @& z展开翅膀 勇敢地飞翔
# q/ l% C3 d& R3 \6 c4 v: H每个细胞都充满希望
9 ~# l- A3 Z& `让无悔的青春闪烁光芒8 N" z; B2 ^6 r$ q# g

% }) y( R9 g" O7 w! h
Sun shines from south to north, we dream a dream, # v+ r% @- Z. u% M' ]
in darkest nights, stars like Angle's eyes, blinks bravo," h8 K5 a) Y  s- K7 Z
shines the hope, in every pause, and every cells
: e3 r* T, w; \, R) Eshines, forever, A pretty girl in spring,  morning, brings a miracle, + b+ H& E3 l7 l* d' f9 A! Y

. g9 w$ l4 J( l

+ Z) c8 H4 \/ z走过曲折 志在四方
; f5 O6 x4 P) \3 }2 I! A/ m; Q肩负使命 为人类健康
4 J/ C7 a; A  |; ?# z( B5 U5 _天使的温暖救死扶伤6 S8 t% _" r. b9 K; H) \* k0 @  p% e5 h
( L. n3 M) [* p" \9 o  j, oOld countries and cities new, left behind, wills like steel,
+ s! [+ v& o1 b5 h9 |Our hearts beat young, never old,
/ w9 U5 [. w- e* y; u$ A2 u9 B% ^: ^On our shoulders, the spring morning dew,  
( \2 n. Z# c1 tLike waves cares the land, Oh, spring girl
' A9 `0 U4 _# h5 U5 @Angle's lips warm, sweet, never cold
6 S) [$ ~+ f0 G& ~! yShe sings a song, that make you strong, when u weakened, and poor,
* G; f" [8 b% f: N& a, m; o% W1 m' L0 ~6 ?
架起连通中西的桥梁8 {% Q& U5 |4 @5 T
上下求索处处桃李芬芳. e5 ]9 F4 b, r% ~
/ [2 t! ]3 W: _# `8 f, W手拉手我们共创辉煌
& [8 A2 O  O! m/ mAcross East and West, A bridge, we built, called miracle, 6 l% A) P& y5 {0 [+ I7 U6 n2 _
We walk in schools, we talk to fruits in the garden full, : ~6 ~& I. J: @  C: e% B
We try and discover, the Gold, in a century well, " Y, Y9 ~1 y9 Q) u3 U
search, from deep heart to an inner soul,! x( J: O; _; Q& G
Hand in hand, time grow old, we go, Oh, 3 K# |, y+ _; p' }  z, Q
we produce miracle, A new birth, of a brilliant tomorrow
1 v7 a8 ]) v) V" F, }9 ]

  j; Q, C/ a" H% l

, A. h- R4 Z7 S7 k+ Z( X' y8 U

' V+ Y9 p9 N% @" ?0 e
Photo, by 四川 爱思网 石川先生,Authorized by 24en.com, zhou" y! ~: n$ C2 k6 {3 S& ]# W: w/ U! c( ?

0 R% Q4 f) g: S; [9 [【译后的话】赠此次
. P) C4 b% U/ U/ m2 B7 y

! X( b$ J6 _) D& O% n

1 _0 J* U& v% e! S安大略省 大专院校 汉语辩论大赛 的同学们和评委老师誌念!, g% d+ ], T) O* u7 w
  Q  y; j6 k7 P; `; `4 H) P; w
Yesterday, I read one text message from one of the Cyber-freinds who wrote 0 l4 H5 o6 Y. x, u1 \
many songs and poems in ChinaGate, 中国文学城, 北美较大华语网,his name is: 原版远方, I did once his song, during the 中国汶川震灾!
  y) S+ X( W( V. O0 f$ l% Q" q( F+ ]  \' _& E) Q4 s
今天的论题,使我想起了他!他邀我试译,一首汉语歌词。受你们论辩的激情和活力的激励,我一气呵成,成了一首 【译写】-汉诗英韵. "A bridge, built, called miracle" 赠给我在本次活动中, 遇见的所有同学和评委老师们,
6 n  c: |& l" F: }2 q; T) G* W1 i5 i4 U& a: ]3 m; K
以致纪念!" S* X7 ]) k2 D# r4 W5 W
' Q  j) s5 {% P) x; o8 X' I1 |
& w; V/ Q8 B3 M Johnlakeshore8 @0 z2 q& K' j& m, J0 g" u" s

Read original,
5 E3 f, a6 o! G9 ~http://www.niagarachinese.ca/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=6053&extra=page%3D1; v1 X" N, \% z6 B; K' j% m9 f
; P, Y6 j2 |9 ?. E
6 x7 Q; [! l, c/ d* C. I* c- U/ t; ?

周末译趣7 M& Y! o: T" A( F' H" T

, z1 s! F3 x4 s$ V$ l9 l' g

8 ?. w1 b. _4 J# [% ]% k5 \试译8 d: P! g# d* {$ p
March 19, 2010




 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-22 15:55 | 显示全部楼层



7 ^; W( g+ a, ]
谢谢 欣赏. Thank you for the comments!
发表于 2010-3-29 16:09 | 显示全部楼层



good, but why people doesnt comment?
 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-29 17:00 | 显示全部楼层

Maybe they don't really like it!




本帖最后由 YourSavings 于 2010-3-29 20:18 编辑 4 w5 J: _6 ]; {4 e

: A$ h; t$ \% o0 H
" o8 \! O: C/ rI don't know, maybe people are shy? Maybe people don't really enjoy it!
" ?. W) Q/ O9 ]- WNever mind!
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